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1091. Shortest Path in Binary Matrix - LeetCode

from collections import deque
from heapq import heappop, heappush
from itertools import product
from sys import maxsize

cellT = tuple[int, int]
countT = int

class Solution1:
# [BFS] Runtime 1349 ms Beats 5.1%
def shortestPathBinaryMatrix(self, grid: list[list[int]]):
cellsT = set[cellT]

N = len(grid)
dummy_start_cell = (-1, -1)
bottom_right_cell = (N - 1, N - 1)

def find_adjacents(curr_row: int, curr_col: int):
def is_valid(cand_cell: cellT):
cand_row, cand_col = cand_cell
return (
0 <= cand_row < N
and 0 <= cand_col < N
and grid[cand_row][cand_col] == 0

cand_cells = (
(curr_row + row_offset, curr_col + col_offset)
for row_offset, col_offset in product(range(-1, 2), repeat=2)
return filter(is_valid, cand_cells)

queue: deque[cellsT] = deque([{dummy_start_cell}])
visiteds: cellsT = set()
count: countT = 1
while queue:
next_: cellsT = set()
q: cellsT = queue.popleft()
for cell in q:
for adjacent in find_adjacents(*cell):
if adjacent in visiteds:
if adjacent == bottom_right_cell:
return count
if next_:
count += 1
return -1

class Solution2:
# [dijkstra] Runtime 995 ms Beats 6.89%
def shortestPathBinaryMatrix(self, grid: list[list[int]]):
N = len(grid)
dummy_start_cell = (-1, -1)
bottom_right_cell = (N - 1, N - 1)

def find_adjacents(curr_row: int, curr_col: int):
def is_valid(cand_cell: cellT):
cand_row, cand_col = cand_cell
return (
0 <= cand_row < N
and 0 <= cand_col < N
and grid[cand_row][cand_col] == 0

cand_cells = (
(curr_row + row_offset, curr_col + col_offset)
for row_offset, col_offset in product(range(-1, 2), repeat=2)
return filter(is_valid, cand_cells)

heap: list[tuple[countT, cellT]] = [(0, dummy_start_cell)]
visiteds: set[cellT] = set()
while heap:
cost, vertex = heappop(heap)
if vertex == bottom_right_cell:
return cost
for new_vertex in find_adjacents(*vertex):
if new_vertex in visiteds:
new_cost = cost + 1
heappush(heap, (new_cost, new_vertex))
return -1

class Solution3:
# [A*] Runtime 513 ms Beats 97.17%
def shortestPathBinaryMatrix(self, grid: list[list[int]]):
N = len(grid)
dummy_start_cell = (-1, -1)
bottom_right_cell = (N - 1, N - 1)

def find_adjacents(curr_row: int, curr_col: int):
def is_valid(cand_cell: cellT):
cand_row, cand_col = cand_cell
return (
0 <= cand_row < N
and 0 <= cand_col < N
and grid[cand_row][cand_col] == 0

cand_cells = (
(curr_row + row_offset, curr_col + col_offset)
for row_offset, col_offset in product(range(-1, 2), repeat=2)
return filter(is_valid, cand_cells)

def heuristic(cell_row: int, cell_col: int):
return max(abs(N - 1 - cell_row), abs(N - cell_col))

heap: list[tuple[countT, countT, cellT]] = [(-maxsize, 0, dummy_start_cell)]
costs: dict[cellT, countT] = {}
while heap:
estimate, cost, vertex = heappop(heap)
if vertex == bottom_right_cell:
return cost
for new_vertex in find_adjacents(*vertex):
new_cost = cost + 1
if costs.get(new_vertex, maxsize) > new_cost:
costs[new_vertex] = new_cost
new_estimate = new_cost + heuristic(*new_vertex)
heappush(heap, (new_estimate, new_cost, new_vertex))
return -1